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Continuing Education

Art and Design
Classes for All

MCAD Continuing Education classes are open to all. You do not need to be an enrolled MCAD student to participate! Seeking career development? Personal enrichment? MCAD inspires lifelong learning for students of all ages. 各种各样的课程——既有面对面的,也有在线的——由专业的艺术家和设计师教授. MCAD's classes are all taught in a supportive, inclusive environment to foster creative expression and growth. Class policies.

Figure Drawing Co-op

Throughout the year, Continuing Education sponsors the Figure Drawing Co-op,为任何有兴趣从现场裸体模特绘画开放绘图会议. No instruction is provided. Please see link for more information.

Gift Certificates

Gift certificates are available in any amount.

To order, call 612.874.3765.


Person painting a landscape outside

Art Educator Workshops

Workshops run June–July.

Specialized, week-long summer workshops. Gain creative techniques and make connections with fellow teachers, as well as find inspiring professional development opportunities. 

2024 Art Educator Workshops are open for registration.

Art teacher inking a block to print
学生坐在一张闪闪发光的桌子前,直视着镜头,在写生本上工作. The student is wearing an orange shirt and blue baseball cap.


MCAD为高中生提供了在中西部顶尖艺术和设计学院学习专业艺术家的机会. Offering a transformative education open to all backgrounds, MCAD让你准备好自信地领导和实践在一个不断发展的世界.

有各种各样的课程可供选择,其中一些课程有可能获得大学学分. For ages 15–18. Many adult classes are open to students ages 16 and above.

大学预科暑期班也适用于已完成大二学业的学生, junior, or senior years of high school.


Young Teen Classes

青少年班旨在向学生介绍各种媒介, processes, materials, and ideas. 青少年将发展技术技能,并学习如何将他们的想法转化为视觉形式. For ages 12–15.

Both winter/spring and summer classes are now open for registration.

Students standing outside in drawing class
Risograph prints

Adult Classes

Evening, weekend, and online. 探索个人丰富或课程,把你的职业生涯到一个新的水平, including certificate programs. 主题包括绘画、平面设计、动画、插图等.

Youth Classes and Camps

创新和沉浸式的课程和营地,激发孩子们的自我表达, encourage creativity, and instill an excitement for learning. For ages 6–12. 

Both winter/spring and summer classes are now open for registration.

Students making rockets at Summer Youth Camps


Sarah Weiben ' 04自2008年以来一直在为继续教育教授绘画课程. 韦本最初专注于俄罗斯研究,1991年开始追求她对艺术的兴趣. 在最近的一次采访中,维本在描述他们的CE课程时提到了这种职业转变:

许多人来到CE是因为他们在生命的早期就想要艺术,但由于某种原因决定不去追求它. But it has stayed with them. 因此,人们要么追求长期的兴趣,要么回到他们生命早期开始但没有完成的事情. 因为我接触艺术的时间比较晚,所以我觉得我是把他们带回来的合适人选.

Weiben also talked about how diverse their CE classes are, with students ranging from 18 years old to 80. 作为回应,微本希望在他们的课堂上营造一种氛围:

我试着让他们知道,他们在这里玩得开心,他们会得到支持和成长. 我向他们保证,即使在课堂上晚些时候,他们也会笑得很开心. And all of that sort of newbie anxiety just melts away.

Michael Gaughan ' 02自2006年以来一直是MCAD继续教育的绘画和绘画讲师. 高根的教学风格营造了一个温馨、安全和富有成效的环境. In an interview, Gaughan分享了他和他的学生继续参加MCAD继续教育的原因: 

帮助人们发挥他们的创造力,给他们表达自己的技巧是世界上最好的工作. People want to be here and I’m really lucky to be a part of that. 我认为人们报名参加继续教育课程是一种充实——一种提升自我的渴望. (我的学生)有激情,这是一种鞭策自己的结构化方式. 


You can pick and choose what appeals to you and your creativity. 我们有一些学生第一次上艺术课是因为他们的家人把它作为礼物送给了他们, and they're brand new to art making. We have students who have master's degrees in painting and design, and they're here to keep their education going. So it's really for everybody.看到大家一起工作,共享教室真是太酷了.

Brian Britigan是一名插画讲师,自2020年以来一直在MCAD任教. 在一次采访中,谈到Brian教授继续教育课程的经验,他解释道; 

当我走进教室的时候,无论他们在哪里,我都试着和他们见面. 我有些学生可能在一个艺术实践中工作了40年, and they're experts in their area. And then there are folks who have dabbled in a sketchbook, enjoyed that process, and wanted to figure out what their next steps might be. 

我教过的CE课程真正了不起的是学生们相互交流的方式. 学生们非常有礼貌地与他们在一起的人见面,并帮助每个人进入下一步. 如果你是一个对自己的艺术经历或作品数量有自我意识的人, 我认为电子商务课程是一个很好的空间,可以尝试新事物,拓展你对自己的期望.

Brian’s encouragement for others to take CE courses is not unwarranted; he explains that community education courses are a way that he has built community and connections in his own artistic practice. Teaching was a natural progression. Brian has taught online, in-person, and hybrid courses, which means students are often local, but have come from all over the world. Brian has had students from across the U.S., as well as students located in Malaysia and Indonesia. Describing what to expect in  a CE course, Brian says 

Peer critique is a huge part of what I do. 我不喜欢在课堂上成为我传授给学生的唯一知识来源, but, instead, 我真的把它看作是一群有创造力的人一起合作项目的会议空间. We're bringing so many different skills to the table. We have graphic designers in the room, we have photographers in the room, we have comics artists in the room, and all of them are speaking languages that overlap a little bit, but are all coming from really unique perspectives. 

For questions regarding registration, payment, withdrawal, and refunds, contact Continuing Education:


View Continuing Education's Class Policies


*礼品券是不可退还的,可以购买任何金额. Class tuition ranges from $75-$420, generally, for adult classes and from $150 to $350, generally, for summer kids and teens classes. Gift certificates are valid on any Continuing Education class, including Summer Youth Program classes for ages 5-18. 礼券将在订购后3个工作日内通过电子邮件发送. No cash back.